Rabhair M12, Cupa Sàladair, cùl-taic, còd a-mach
(1)M series receptacles, with varieties, compact design, flexibility and easy operation. (2) Compatible with similar products of main international brands, according to IEC 61076-2. (3) A variety of materials are available for the housing, which can meet the needs of different application scenarios. (4) Tha uachdar stiùiriche òr àrd-inbhe àrd-inbhe, a bhios a 'dol a-steach gu dorachas criosadh agus bidh iad cuideachd a' coinneachadh ri feumalachdan cuir-fhreigeachd àrd-tricead agus toirt air falbh .... -
Rabhair M12, Cupa Sàladair, aghaidh air a thoirt air beulaibh, còd
(1)M series receptacles, with varieties, compact design, flexibility and easy operation. (2) Compatible with similar products of main international brands, according to IEC 61076-2. (3) A variety of materials are available for the housing, which can meet the needs of different application scenarios. (4) Tha uachdar stiùiriche òr àrd-inbhe àrd-inbhe, a bhios a 'dol a-steach gu dorachas criosadh agus bidh iad cuideachd a' coinneachadh ri feumalachdan cuir-fhreigeachd àrd-tricead agus toirt air falbh .... - (1)M series receptacles, with varieties, compact design, flexibility and easy operation. (2) Compatible with similar products of main international brands, according to IEC 61076-2. (3) A variety of materials are available for the housing, which can meet the needs of different application scenarios. (4) Tha uachdar stiùiriche òr àrd-inbhe àrd-inbhe, a bhios a 'dol a-steach gu dorachas criosadh agus bidh iad cuideachd a' coinneachadh ri feumalachdan cuir-fhreigeachd àrd-tricead agus toirt air falbh ....
Ceangal Cearcallar M12
Roinn-seòrsa: Remorial Sensor / Actuair Remories Obrachaidh: -40 ℃ ... 105 ℃ Clàr Ceangal Dealain: 0.5m Connector: 250 v PIN CUNNTAS: 3 Rangachadh gnàthach: 4A A 'còc-euchdachadh: An aghaidh insulation: ≥ Chruthachadh 100 MQ: Gun chearcall UNPLUG ≥ 100 uair Ìre Truailleadh: ⅲ Copar Alloy, Clas Dìon Sgiath Sgìre: IP67 (Tùidh) Shell: Alloy copair, ...